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Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Fourth of July!

OOHHH look at our new outdoor furniture! A little present we bought ourselves for being so incredibly awesome!

Our table before the delicious food was finished. And yes, my banner reads, "happy birthday" I couldn't get my Happy Fourth of July one down, so I used this one instead. Hello!? It is our NATIONs birthday.

Nick's new baby I mean charcoal grill. Just wait, an even better picture of it is coming up.

Our American Penant personalized with our name!

The MENU. You can read for yourself that we had a lot of yummy food.
See, I told you a better picture was coming up! Look how great the food looks!!! I love how Nick is "plugging" the OVEGLOVE. But for real, if your kitchen doesn't have one or two, you should really get one. I love it!!!
Bake Mac n cheese. Not for calorie counters. I warn you! This concoction had a pound and a half of tillamook cheese.
See, we made up for the not so healthy pasta with lots of fruit. The good thing, the kids devoured this fruit tray!

Corn on the cob!
This kid never has a shirt on!!! Just kidding, he just is a year old and gets into literally EVERYTHING.
Lucy eating some patriotic jello!
See, I told you he wears a shirt!
Adam and Noelle brought this cool machine that is basically a drill, but when you set it up like he did, it made really cool spin art!

Spin machine in action.
Ice Cream Cones, America's treat!
just chilling on our new furniture. I loved Alicia's skirt!
Mark chill-axing.
The Grill Master giving a thumbs up!

The kids playing and playing. Summertime is the best.

the kiddos all lined up for the show!

Addison has decided that I am the BEST aunt ever. She didn't really leave my side all night.

Logan and Chloe didn't like the noise of the fireworks, so they watched from the front window.

This picture of Bosston cracked us up. He has his legs crossed all on his own.

Nick told the kids to do a rain dance while the fireworks were going off, and this is what we got.

Lucy post dinner. Still messy as ever.

Of course, no 4th is the 4th without glow sticks.

Me and Lucy watching the show.

I love this picture. I love the haze of the smoke. Makes you feel like you're actually there.

passing out the sparklers.

men and fire, what can you say?

I did get one picture of A firework. The rest didn't really turn out.
Well folks, there you have it. An awesome night. It was exhausting hosting such an event, but I love doing this kind of stuff. I love entertaining. I love the people that came. I love being an American. Now for 4July2012, Weeks Family, we're coming to your house!!!!!


Unknown said...

Oh my goodness. How fun!!!

cressfamily said...

Looks like you guys had a ton of fun!!I would love the recipe for ur mac n cheese I have yet to find one I like.

Some time we all need to get together. It's been FOREVER since we have seen any of you.