Thank you for reading our blog. At this site, you have an all access pass to the happenings of our family. Some posts will make you smile, think, cry, and some are just to document special times and things that happen. We appreciate the support that we get from you, the reader! Thank you and happy reading.

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Hey I just found this out

So, recently Nick and I upgraded to smart phones. He has had a smart phone before, but I still used prehistoric version of a phone. I refused to pay any extra for my cell phone, but they were offering this great deal, Nick was eligible for a free upgrade, so into the Verizon store we went. Hook, Line, and Sinker. We walked out with the DROID 2 and I was instantly hooked. How did I live so long without a smart phone. I love it. I am busy, on the go, and I love that I can just look things up, shop and blog all from one place. It is awesome!!!
 But this morning, just a few minutes ago, I was trying to upload some pictures from my phone to our home computer. I removed the SD card, stuck it in the adapter card, and plugged it in to the computer. NOTHING happened. I tried again. Still NOTHING. Hmm I thought, what is going on? I have never had issues uploading before. I called Nick to help me. He laughed. He then handed me my phone charger and showed me how I was to upload pictures. I don't have to remove the SD card at all, I just plug the whole thing right in. How simple right? So, I guess smart phones really do make you feel a little dumb, until you figure out how to use it!!!!!
 The first day of school!
 Ladies weekend
 My dad and I sporting the same hair style!
 All dolled up for a fun weekend
 The fun continues
 Making sugar cookies
 So, now I just uploaded all these pictures, and the next couple of blogs will be for your viewing pleasure, and not just reading pleasure.  I have to admit, I enjoy pictures with words too!!!

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