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Wednesday, July 20, 2011

While you were away

Dasher has been bugging and bugging us to re-do his room.  We just kept telling him, someday, or not today. Well, since he is off having fun, I decided this was the week to do it. It is always easier to "get rid" of things when HE is not around. Bosston could care less, but for some reason, Dasher is attached to almost everything he owns. I need to stop watching HOARDERS, because I see a lot of that in him!
Here are some of the BEFORE pictures. Almost six years ago, when we bought this house, Dasher and Emmah shared this bedroom. When we painted, they each picked a color. Emmah chose yellow, Dasher blue. The animal cut outs were given to us by Nick's sister, Joy, and when the room was first put together we loved all of it. Well, Dasher is going to be NINE this October, and he told us that he was too old to have elephants and zebras on his wall!

This little corner of the room was the chaotic catch all. I hated this room before today. It never felt clean to me, no matter how many times I cleaned it. It was so cluttered.

Another shot of the room. Opposite the chaos. Only this time the chaos is on the wall.Why do kids want to keep any and everything they bring home from school? I had to get this under control. I wasn't sleeping.

Bosston wanted to help. Dasher originally said he wanted ALL BLUE walls. After looking at samples, we just couldn't decide on a shade of blue. We are fond of green. We found this BETTER HOMES AND GARDENS color of GREEN STALK. It is soft and subtle, but still masculine. Bosston kept telling me that Dasher was going to be very mad when he gets home. I reassured him, that he will be happy!

We had a dresser in the closet. It was broken. It needed to go. I am trying these closet organizers. They look functional, but we will see in about a week if I need to go buy dressers.

That's it. That's all the toys. I told myself if the toy doesn't fit in the bin, or get played with it is going BYE BYE!!! See, what I mean? No more chaos.

Bunk beds are great. The save space. They are a pain in the rear end to make though. I do not like making their beds. I usually don't. Today, I did. And yes, this was the bed that kicked my trash yesterday. Literally, my head and face hurt all day. Still hurts today. No black eye though. The gash on my nose might be there for sometime.

The new bookshelf. Since back to school is just around the corner, our local, ghetto walmart had these bookshelves on sale for $12. Not to shabby. Let's see how long this organized shelf lasts though. The stuff on top is all the great things Dasher brought home from camp! Can you see my sarcastic smile!!??

I had to document the toy free, clothes free carpet. This room is CLEAN!!!!! I am doing my mommy happy dance.

YARD SALE. I can't believe all the money wasted on toys. They are not an investment. Just a corruption. I have some great things though. Fisher Price, Disney, and everything else in between. I AM NOT giving this stuff away though. If you see a toy, or ask about a toy, I will give you a fair price. Just trying to get some of our money back!!!!!:)


Unknown said...

It looks great. Way to go!

Unknown said...

we have been working on the girls room for about 1 year now and still not finished. i did buy the shelves and put them together, but no toys organized yet. I think that we should buy our kids imaginary toys and friends. less mess and you just get a new one once they break