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Wednesday, July 27, 2011

We are so Pround of our Cub Scout

I am also thankful that our church does scouting. Yay! for Scouts. Nick is an Eagle Scout, so we feel very strong about our sons pursuing the scouting trail and earning the top award. We need good men in our country. Two weeks ago, Dasher went to Cub Scout Day Camp. He had a blast. Each day they worked on a different achievement and last night his hard work paid off. He earned his awards. I am so proud of him, and Nick too. Nick is a scout leader for the Webelos and it is a lot of work. Two nights of our week are dedicated to scouts, so we all play a part!
dressed ready for his first day at camp. The first day they wore their uniforms, the rest of the week he wore the same thing: camp shirt and basketball shorts. I washed the shirt three times in one week. I should've just let him wear it!!!

for one of his accomplishments, he had to plan, make, and clean up dinner. This night we had lasagna and the missionaries joined us. He was a little overwhelmed, but passed nonetheless. He is working hard.

Yesterday, I had HIM make the cookies for the pack meeting. Again. like for Emmah, I helped him follow the recipe, but 11 of the 42 cookies were scooped by him. He got bored after that. I only take credit for scooping 31 cookies, that's it. None of the dough was made by me. By the way, we have a bunch left (they served donuts as well) So, if anyone wants a chocolate chip cookie, please feel free to come by and eat them!!!

they were soft and chewy, just how they are supposed to be.

Nick walking Dasher through the flag ceremony.

Our friend, Adrian, hiding behind the flag trying to avoid having his picture taken. ha ha Adrian, I got you.

Dasher leading his first flag ceremony. I was so pleased with how well he did. Now we can sign that LAST part of in his book. Oy.

Dasher getting all of his awards. He received his archery belt loop, archery segment, craft segment, and bb gun belt loop. Also his day camp patch, and the next pack meeting, he should be moving up. We have been working so hard on making sure his book is completed by end of Sept, so he can move up in October. We and I say WE because it really is a family effort to help our scout advance!!! Oh, and look at Nick. Doesn't he look great? He has been doing so awesome toward his weight loss, I am super duper proud of my sexy man, I get to call husband!!!!

after the meeting, they had a bunch of nerf guns set up and shoot. The kids had a great time. This was by far one of the most fun pack meetings ever. Most of the time, it is awards and done. This time it was very interactive. It helps to have the kids entertained, so I can visist with my lady friends too!

Bosston taking his turn. He was more amused by playing in the nursery.

Even Emmah got in on the action. Overall, it was a great night. I am thankful for Nick for upholding his calling and being there for the boys. I am thankful for the Primary leaders who put the night together. I am especially thankful to Dasher for working so hard on something from start to finish. I am also thankful for our three other children who behaved, listened, and encouraged the scouts.....

1 comment:

cressfamily said...

Good Job! I know how much WORK goes into getting that done. We are now at the WEBLEOs stage and it is more work then the other 2.

Sounds like a fun pack meeting. I may have to steal that idea one of these times. (I just got called to be the Cubmaster/WEBLOEs leader) Any Ideas would be fantastic at this time!