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Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Crafting while Serving

There is Joy in Service, and today, that rang true in our home. We had Brooklyn over for a playdate. Brooklyn is my friend, Brandee's daughter. Brooklyn's brother is at scout camp with Dasher, so she came to play! I find it funny that so many kids and parents ask if they can come over. I had no idea our house was so much fun, but for my sanity, I try to keep their minds busy and occupied, so the horrible two word phrase is never spoken!!!
 Since the girls had the majority, I thought I would do a craft that has been on my mind since I saw it on a blog. It is sort of girlie, and with Dasher gone, Bosston was the only one to complain. He participated, and then vacated!!!
 Did I mention, that my soon to be niece, Alex is staying with us for a few days?! I know, I am crazy, but I do so much better in chaos, than in silence. Although I do have like four book reviews due here in awhile. Oh well!!!
here we are making stained glass.

this kept their attention for, oh, say 10 min.

Beautiful Brooklyn!

The girls hard at work.

what a creativ mess!?

modge podge stained glass

name banners

even Lucy got in on the action. Although, I did find her using the glue stick as chapstick.

Brooklyn with her fan

Emmah and her finished product

Alex and her finished project
I find if you keep them really busy, the day goes by faster. I also found that it is really messy crafting with so many different ages.