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Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Some of my Favorite things

TODAY, I look outside and see grey clouds. Not a huge fan of grey skies, especially in June. So, I snapped two pictues this morning, of some of my favorite things around my house today!
 the color GREEN! I love anything green. It is my favorite color. It was the color of my walls until recently. I needed a change, so now I accent with GREEN. These lovely apples and pears are from Holly and Scott's wedding this past weekend. How awesome to decorate with real fruit. It made our tummies happy! More pictures of the wedding in a later post. I love GREEN!
Pictures on my fridge of my most dear family and friends. Jessica and her husband, Chad last year as the wedded in VEGAS! Yep, the announcement is still up. Quincee in the middle so tiny and sweet. I miss her. Sanci and Brian Hall's family, with their new addition, Zane. Sanci has adorable children, Elizabeth and Zane. We go way back:) Further in the back, one of Dasher's soccer pics, my souveneir from Pawn Stars, and more on the front side of the fridge. I love the CrAzY look of our fridge! Come take a look sometime.


Jess said...

Thanks for giving us a place of honor on the ol' fridge! YOU are one of MY favorite things, Heidi Weeks Durant!

Cami said...

Ok, your top photo just cracks me up! It;s so candid, and I actually have a similar one of us (also taken by Lorna) on my wall! i'm loving all the blogging, keep it up!